
Integrating Technology Into The Classroom

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Sample Projects

Classroom Newsletter This project was challenging to me because I was used to using Publisher to create Newsletters. I enjoyed the challenge of creating a newsletter using word, and I learned a few things about word that I did not know before. Who knows when you might have to improvise? When it comes to technology, its good to know more than one way to skin a cat! We learned how to make tables to align text and creative uses for clip art and graphics. I used imaginary announcements and events to help bring the newsletter together. Communication with students and parents is of primary importance, and this project demonstrates my ability to use word to create a newsletter to do just that!

Creating a Video This was the fun project I completed during this class, because I had no idea what I was doing! I created a video for safety tips on campus using scenes videotaped around campus. I then learned to insert graphics, music and transitions into my video. The idea of having students creating their own videos is really exciting and I can imagine numerous ways to apply this to curriculum. Being able to take video, music, add graphics, and text and create a movie that engages and motivates students is an invaluable resource! Check out the "Your Human Rights: Link on the left for my information on how I would use this resource.

Creating a Presentation Who has not sat through a boring PowerPoint presentation? I know I have, so I was excited to put what I knew about how to create a PowerPoint presentation to work to create a presentation that was interactive and colorful. It also includes a assessment tool for the whole class to check understanding. I used a lesson plan how the difference between myths, legends and fairy tales which directly aligned with state standards. The most important thing I learned during this project was how to integrate a lesson plan into the technology or software I was using.

Sample Spreadsheet and Lesson Plan I am very proud of this project because I found and adapted a lesson plan to integrate several different state standards into my lesson on how to use a spreadsheet. My lesson plan uses elements of Math, History and Technology standards to create a dynamic lesson on the civil war. Students not only learn about the Civil War, but how to enter data into a spreadsheet and calculate averages and modes and how to read graphs. I also enjoyed this assignment because I learned something. I learned not only how to integrate multiple standards into one lesson plan, but I also learned that there were Civil War battles in places I was not aware of.

Other Work

Paper on Environmental Education I am very interested in environmental education. This is a paper that I completed, which will hopefully lead to a full article and further research on environmental education in graduate school. After taking ICE 234 I am also interested in learning news to inter grate technology to teach environmental education. In ICE 234, I leaned that environmental literacy and technological literacy are not mutually exclusive.